How to draw an owl

How to draw an owl

The two circles aren't the point. Getting the two circles right is a good idea, but lots of people manage that part.

No, the difficult part is learning to see what an owl looks like.

Drawing an owl involves thousands of small decisions, each based on the answer to just one question, 'what does the owl look like?'

If you can't see it (in your mind, not with your eyes), you can't draw it.

There are hundreds of thousands of bullet points and rules of thumb about how to lead people, how to start and run a company, how to market, how to sell and how to do work that matters.

Most of them involve drawing two circles. (HT to Stefano for the owl).

Before any of these step by step approaches work, it helps a lot to learn to see. When someone does this job well, what does it look like? When you've created a relationship that works, what does it feel like?

Incubator programs and coaching work their best not when they teach people which circles to draw, but when they engage in interactive learning after you've gone ahead and drawn your circle.

The iterative process of drawing and erasing and drawing some more is how we learn to see the world.

Read more from Seth in our Clubhouse.


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