Hot campaigns in Brazil

Hot campaigns in Brazil

2014 is a big year for sport and nothing bigger than the football World Cup.

Brazil have the exciting chance to host both the World Cup and the Olympics in a two-year timeframe. But the excitement has come at a cost, with the Brazilian population angered with increases in public transport costs, social inequality and corruption.

Advertising campaigns often take their inspiration from the news, so here's a selection that we've put together that should whet your creative appetite.

The Johnnie Walker campaign 'O gigante acordou (the big wake-up) was quickly adopted by the Brazilian people as a slogan for their cause. Indeed, Brazil is more commonly known as the great sleeping giant, 'eternally lying in a splendid cradle1' as the Brazilian national anthem has it.

For the Confederations Cup, Fiat could not have chosen a better time to motivate supporters into “taking to the streets” (Vem pra rua) and celebrating this important date for football, which stands as a real institution in Brazil.  A few days before the start of the football event, the Brazilian people took the Italian brand at its word and began an unprecedented social movement.

The Seleçaõ seems to be quite a lot more than a football team for almost 200 million Brazilians!  This TV clip, broadcast by the sponsor of the Brazilian football team, highlights the solidarity between the people and the team in the face of social inequality and disparity which have been worsened by the astronomical spending on infrastructure ahead of the 2016 Olympic Games and the FIFA Football World Cup that will take place next year.  Real food for thought in terms of the hopes and dreams of a people who are confronted with challenges deriving from its status as a BRIC nation.

We're excited to say that Creative Culture are a new blogger for The Marketing Society. Watch this space for more from them in the coming weeks and months.

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