Free! Love Your Work, Love Your Life

Free! Love Your Work, Love Your Life

Free! Love your work, love your life is a breath of fresh air, an inspirational read and great self-development book.  Barez-Brown kicks off his book outlining his key objectives:

  • Remind you that you are fantastic and have the ability to do amazing things.
  • Show you that work is your slave, not the other way around.
  • Help you make work your ticket to an extraordinary future.
  • Put you in the driving seat and show you a route to freedom.

He presents a compelling argument upfront, highlighting that ‘life and work are intrinsically linked’ and given that on average humans have 27,350 days on this planet, and 10,575 of those are spent working, that you should ensure that you are working in a job that you love!   “If we want to live an extraordinary life, we have to make our work equally extraordinary.  When your work resonates with purpose, you jump out of bed every morning, excited by the possibilities the day holds for you.  Everything else in your life seems to have a glow about it, and you exude much more personal shine.  Our relationship with work is central to our happiness, our vitality and our ability to self-express – to be our true selves.”  

He also helps the reader to focus on the self again.  Too often we get caught up thinking about the future or past and forget to appreciate the present moment, days can be filled with commuting, responding to emails, filling our bodies with caffeine, sugar, alcohol to get us through the days.  He urges readers to reclaim control of their lives and focus on health, energy and mind.  It’s important to reflect often on personal performance, and push yourself to continually develop.  For instance, Barez-Brown suggests that you to keep interviewing for new roles, even if you are content where you are.  You will learn more about yourself, the market and the qualities you have to offer to employers.

The book is conveniently sized to fit into your bag or briefcase, it’s concise and extremely readable.  It has exercises throughout, with notes sections to capture your thinking, and key learning points highlighted on a page to provide insight and self-reflection.  I believe every reader no matter how far into their career will benefit from reading the book, and particularly those that are finding themselves in a rut where the enjoyment of work has diminished, or individuals where their work-life balance is an issue.

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