Five ideas to help charities and the environment this summer

Five charitable ideas for summer

As charity experts we care about our surroundings and the environment, even when we go on summer holidays. And we always like to learn. Some of us have children, like Giles our managing director, and others not, like myself.

There are many things we can do on holiday, here‘s a list we can all do during our holidays, whether we go to the beach, up a mountain or stay just at home:

  1. Giles cycles every morning to work
    Why not leave your car at home and cycle instead? Save 1.5 pounds of carbon dioxide for each mile and 240 calories saved (or lost) per hour. This is a good way to work off all the extra ice cream you eat this summer. As our friends at Cycle4Summer say you ‘feel happier: it is scientifically proven’.
  2. There are plenty of delicious locally produced fruit and vegetables available this summer
    Choose local fruit instead of kiwis and mangos from far-flung exotic countries.The Sustainable Food Trust shows you why it is cheaper, better and how it reveals the type of person you are.
  3. If you stay at home for your holidays
    And decide to have a good house tidy, why not give unwanted clothes, toys or furniture to charities you would like to help? We like Clothes for Charity who do all the hard work for you, selling your items to raise money for your selected causes and charities.
  4. Discover and protect bugs
    As our friends at Buglife describe so well, many things can be done to protect bugs. Why not build a bee house? You can follow Buglife’s tutorial and enjoy building a bee house in your garden, it’s lots of fun, and you can observe the bees all year around.
  5. If you are healthy and want to feel even healthier
    Why not donate your blood to NHSBT? Start this summer and give blood 3 or 4 times a year. My advice: have a big breakfast, give blood and then enjoy a treat, have some crisps or chocolate and a delicious lunch at a restaurant with a friend, who came along with you of course.

Five little things we can all do to help charities and the environment. Why not, try at least one thing this summer, which would help us and our clients too?

There are many ways to give your time, energy and happiness, strength and of course money.  And if you have children, why not start the National Trust’s ‘50 things to do before they’re 11 ¾’, enjoy every moment, as they grow up so fast.

Let us know what you do during your holidays. We would love to see your photos and to improve our knowledge of ways in which we can help charities and the environment.

Whatever you do - we wish you the very best summer 2014.

Giles is on his summer holiday at the moment but you can read more from him and Green Banana in our Clubhouse.


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