The evolving agency model

The evolving agency model

In our ever-changing industry, business models are always shifting. The notion of creating a ‘new agency model’ is thought up every five minutes. Bigger groups are trying to innovate, execs are stifled by their existing structures - and even more so these days - bright young things have a desire to do things differently to the way the old guard are telling them to.

None of these things should be sniffed at. It’s important, vital in fact, for existing agencies to strive to keep their offering fresh. There is many an agency borne out of fantastic marketing professionals ditching their well-paid jobs to start out on their own. And the types of services, not to mention new ways of working created by younger minds is enough to send many old hands running away screaming.

But what all-too-often characterises these approaches is that they evolve from fairly negative beginnings; pressure to keep up, frustration with the job, disappointment that things don’t work as they could. And that isn’t to say this isn’t just as motivating, it puts fire in people’s bellies. But let’s face it; we’ve heard it all before. Trade press is littered with stories like these.

It’s really easy to PR your own approach by being controversial. Sure, it causes a bit of a stir and your peers put their tuppence in. You get a bunch of retweets, a few blog posts referencing something you’ve said, but it’s more spin – and clients are starting to see through it.

Five years ago, the demand for specialists was stronger than ever. Social was a big scary thing with real people in it that brands didn’t understand. Now the landscape is very different. Brands get it. Or at least, they understand enough to know when someone’s trying to pull the wool over their eyes.

This means that even those with smaller budgets are looking for support. They want things quickly, and they're looking for ways to maximise their money by putting out integrated briefs with tight turnaround times.

And so, with everyone saying they can do just about everything, from search to creative, PR, digital, social and beyond, the real issue for clients now is which agency to brief. In itself, not a new issue, but now a really painful one when there’s a definite trend for people to return to integrated providers that can cover multiple disciplines.  

We were presented with a huge opportunity last May when Creston moved several of its agencies into the same building that Nokia once inhabited in central Soho. Rather than be forced into keeping up, two of our biggest assets saw immediate and obvious opportunities to join forces. And more importantly, answer live briefs from clients that knew they needed the best of several things.  

Brands no longer need to draw a distinction between various agencies – Things With Wings, and others like us, can help solve that problem for them.

Vikki Morgan is head of agency at Things With Wings.


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