Do-it-yourself… the German way

Do-it-yourself… the German way

When it comes to the DIY market, Germany boasts 3 brands among the top 5 European DIY retailers and 5 brands in the top 20 worldwide[1]. Culturally-speaking, Germans tend to buy more leaf blowers and metal saws than lederhosen. But in an ultra-competitive market, how are the leaders upping their game to stay in the race? This month, Creative Culture looks at the latest innovation in marketing and advertising straight from the source.

Billboards are out… renovations are in!
With over 354 stores, OBI is the DIY leader in Germany. In 2014, they decided to take the concept of doing-it-yourself to the next level. With competition growing, and brands struggling for advertising space, OBI got creative and put their products to the test. Instead of buying space on a billboard, the brand made their own! For their “Renovated with OBI” campaign, the sides of rundown buildings that were in close range to DIY stores were given a makeover. The hitch? They only renovated spaces the size of an average billboard, resulting in an even more eye-catching effect.

Renovated with OBI

One World
At a time when Germany announced that refugees were welcome in the country, HORNBACH took the opportunity to demonstrate that no matter where you come from, everyone does DIY. In their 2015 video campaign, viewers watch as different cultural groups work in discord and try to build a house. It comes as no surprise when the building collapses, but the advert finishes with the image of the groups beginning to rebuild – this time by working together. The campaign also included an OOH approach, where giant flags were hung up in building sites, featuring phrases like “7,000 languages, but only one way to drive a nail into the wall. There is always a job to be done”.

Following the success of this campaign, the brand went on to launch the “Global Flag Project”. In an interactive feature of the campaign, DIY-ers from all around the world can send in pictures with flags that promote these messages of equality and togetherness – as the video campaign demonstrates, when we work together, we can achieve great things!

There is always a job to be done

The blue ocean strategy
Rather than trying to compete in an already crowded market, DIY brand BAUHAUS differentiated itself by tapping into a new target market and hosting special DIY classes for women. At these “Women’s Night” events, attendees can learn the tricks of the trade, whether it be plastering, painting, or anything in between. By tailoring their classes to women and their unique DIY needs and interests, the brand is sure to open up to a fairly untapped market. What started in 2010 is still going strong, and the success in Germany has even led the brand to host Women’s Nights in different countries, including Austria, Denmark and Spain.

Women’s Night

DIY: the tie that binds
While most people think of DIY in terms of Pinterest projects, refurbishing an old sofa or building a new table, it’s important to remember that DIY culture extends far beyond that. It’s about being innovative and daring to pave your own way when a way does not yet exist – or it doesn’t suit your needs – and that’s exactly what the next example aimed to celebrate.

In 2015, URBAN NATION – a German-based non-profit organisation that promotes urban artwork –worked with Jaime Rojo & Steven P. Harrington, founders of the underground art website Brooklyn Street Art (BSA), to create its “Project M/7”. The art exhibit was created to honour the greater DIY culture in both Brooklyn and Berlin, showcasing how Brooklynite artists were inspired by Berlinians throughout history. This bond was demonstrated in the only way that URBAN NATION knew how – through street art! Twelve Brooklyn street artists were invited to Berlin and asked to create a portrait of any subject they wanted. The only requirement was that he or she be German, or from Brooklyn with a connection to Germany. Check out the video to see the inspiration behind each portrait.

Persons of Interest

With a deeper meaning than meets the eye, Germany’s DIY culture lends itself perfectly to the country’s new trend of using “storytelling” in advertising.  While some approaches may be more emotional than others, it’s always nice to end on a light-hearted, humorous note – and HORNBACH’s latest advert is certainly that. Launched in March of this year, it offers insight into the mind of a steadfast DIY-er. The advert switches back and forth between the reality of DIY and what one imagines. In a bizarre mix of pleasure and pain, it’s sure to make any DIY-junkie chuckle.

You’re alive. Do you remember?

Read more global inspiration from Creative Culture here.


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