Dining atop a billboard with MasterCard

Dining atop a billboard

MasterCard’s Priceless Table, an activation which granted MasterCard holders a dining experience atop a billboard in Times Square, has whet his appetite this week.

In a nice incentivising live experience, MasterCard and celebrity chef Marcus Samuelsson are serving up some delicious food 25 feet off the ground on a billboard platform in New York’s legendary Times Square this summer.

And whilst guests enjoy their lavish five-course meals at The Priceless Table restaurant, they can rest assured that it’s not all extravagant hedonism; their $50 ticket raises money for Stand Up To Cancer, as part of MasterCard’s aim to raise $4 million for the non-profit organization.

Taking ‘al fresco’ to the extreme, MasterCard and Samuelsson are treating guests to a mouth-wateringly good menu that boasts a plethora of fresh and in-season delicacies. Exclusively for MasterCard holders, this unique experience is undoubtedly not only encouraging brand loyalty and customer retention, but is very likely to have attracted new customers.

Thanks to its partnership with Stand Up to Cancer, MasterCard’s campaign is the perfect example of cause marketing done well. In an age where financial organisations are often viewed with some cynicism by the public, MasterCard’s ‘priceless causes’ series serves as a win-win partnership between the company and the cause. I’ve no doubt the combination of a good charitable angle and an exclusive live experience will appeal to both current and potential customers.

I like the way MasterCard encouraged its customers to #GetTogether for a good cause, as I’m all for live events founded on the age-old human desire for real-world social interaction.That said, like any good live brand experience, the brand also extended that social experience way beyond just the immediate diners, encouraging chatter on social media by displaying the hashtag #GetTogether in well-thought out locations. MasterCard also ensured its guests didn’t leave empty handed; the parting gifts included MasterCard branded goodies and Marc Samuelsson merchandise, including a signed copy of his new book.

And the ‘priceless’ experience doesn’t just end there - in an effort to continue driving awareness and getting people together for a good cause, cardholders also have the opportunity to attend an exclusive pop-up dinner in L.A. MasterCard and Stand Up to Cancer, together with celebrity chef Ludo Lefebvre, will host a 450 person Stand Up Dinner Party at The Grove in Los Angeles on August 7, 2014. 

Times Square is an excellent choice of location for orchestrating some eye-catching marketing campaigns. Did you see Tourism Jamaica’s gigantic ‘Get Alright’ stress ball which put a smile on the faces of New York’s city-dwellers? 

Joss Davidge is managing partner of BEcause, an award winning brand experience agency which has been helping brands become more tried, tested and talked about for over 20 years.
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