Digital Transformation: re-imagine from the outside-in

Digital Transformation

On 12 March we brought together an intimate group of senior marketers over dinner to discuss digital transformation and how we can collaborate together to represent the customer in the boardroom; a key theme that very much relates to our Manifesto for Marketing and how we can ‘Mobilise the Organisation’.

Following this dinner we'd like to share the latest research from Accenture's Point of View series.

Digital is re-imagining the human experience
It is remaking how people live, work, play and connect. Everything is being rethought, simplified and improved - even things people have taken for granted throughout their lives. Most companies recognise that they cannot turn a blind eye to such a powerful force shaping human behavior. What worked yesterday to attract, engage and retain customers may be fast becoming obsolete.

So how can companies develop a customer-relevant digital business when change is the only constant and best practices are being redefined at warp speed?

Read the full piece as an online PDF below and see more from Accenture in our Clubhouse.


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