Could your marketing do for bombs what Princess Diana did for mines?

Marketing, cluster bombs and Diana

Many of us are familiar with the work of the International Campaign to Ban Landmines, which along with the help of high profile supporters like Princess Diana helped the international community reach the successful Mine Ban Treaty in 1997.
What fewer of us realise is that there is another indiscriminate weapon with the same potential to cause death and destruction. Cluster bombs have killed and injured thousands of civilians during their history of use and continue to do so today. They cause widespread harm on impact and like landmines, remain a fatal threat to anyone in the area long after a conflict ends. One third of all recorded cluster munition casualties are children.
Fortunately there is an organisation tackling this issue. The Cluster Munition Coalition (CMC) is an international campaign to eradicate cluster munitions and the suffering they cause. CMC has successfully campaigned for an international treaty to ban these weapons and half the world’s nations are already on board. But in order to rid the world of this horrific weapon, they need every country in the world to join and implement the treaty.
They have the assets and networks in place to make a breakthrough difference, a global research initiative on cluster munitions is underway and the passion and commitment of a network of cluster munition survivors and campaigners throughout the world are ready to take action.
But they need your help to generate campaign ideas to unlock that potential!

CMC would like your help in creating a global campaign to directly target governments that can unite campaigners on social media and be tailored for national offline campaigns where internet access is less reliable. They would like your help in developing ideas that catch on, like the World Walks for Water campaign for safe water and sanitation. Their global coalition of hundreds of NGOs are ready to take your ideas and run with them.

Please email Anna Mullenneaux ([email protected]), chief match maker at Pimp My Cause, if you are interested in supporting them with your marketing expertise.


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