Coke’s brand experience raises more than a smile

Coke raises more than a smile

Laughter can be highly infectious. Just ask Coca-Cola.

The popular soft drinks brand chose what at first glance appears to be a very unusual location to kick-start its ‘choose happiness’ campaign in Belgium: the subway.

Travelling on the metro is rarely a fun experience. It’s often cramped, dark and noisy, with most people in a terrible rush to reach their destination as soon as possible. And these days, with so much portable technology at our fingertips, the majority of commuters no longer take the time to connect with other passengers and share the experience.

Coke challenged this in terrific fashion, with a brand experience stunt grounded in absolute simplicity.

Planting an actor on a busy train with nothing other than a tablet device to use as a prop, Coke shows just how good a spot of laughter can be for the soul.

The ‘passenger,’ seemingly enjoying what he is reading, has at first a small chuckle that quickly escalates into a full-blown belly laugh. It lasts a long, long time.

The quiet bubbles of his unassuming fellow tube passengers slowly burst as, one by one, their surprise, shock and annoyance at the unexpected interruption turns to laughter. Soon, the entire carriage is close to tears, enjoying the moment together.

Captured on camera, the reactions are truly priceless.

As the laughter continues, some of the carriage’s passengers reveal themselves to be brand ambassadors for Coca-Cola, handing out cans of the drink alongside #choosehappiness campaign materials: an effective way of swiftly aligning this experience with the brand.

Coke, like many modern companies, understands that the ability to create memorable, fun moments is one of experiential marketing’s greatest strengths. Whether it’s offering up shooting stars or tapping into proud family trees, Coca-Cola goes to great lengths to build love and loyalty with its fans.

Joss Davidge is Director of the Unexpected at BEcause, the award-winning live brand experience agency, dedicated to enhancing Brand Love. Sign up to Joss’ next complimentary brand experience masterclass to learn about the most effective experiential marketing strategies.

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