Coca-Cola and Florida brighten up the commute

Coca-Cola and Florida brighten up the commute

Joss Davidge, Managing Partner of brand experience agency BEcause, continues his weekly search for stand out marketing campaigns. This week he looks at how Coca-Cola and the state of Florida provided memorable bus stop experiences in order to get people talking.
Bus stops are a staple place for brands to display their wares to consumers. Traditionally brands have taken to outside advertisements, catching the eye of toe-tapping travellers waiting for the delayed 23a.

Over the years many brands have created memorable live experiences at bus stops, playing on the fact it is a mundane day-to-day experience and transforming it through well-timed theatrics or humour.
Here are two recent bus stop activations I've spotted, both determined to spread a little happiness and sunshine in the depth of winter. The first is from Coca-Cola in Sweden who created a ‘summer’ experience in a bus stop in the dark, cold Nordic winter.  
The second is from the Florida tourism board, who created a ‘heated bus stop’ in New York – a stunt complete with scantily clad sunshine seekers lounging about to prove that the space was warm enough. The month long theatrical experience that is currently still running, encourages bus users and passing traffic to think about ditching their coats and heading to ‘the sunshine state’.

The bus stop is part of a series of stunts that will run alongside the upcoming Super Bowl – including live music powered by solar panels and airfare giveaways at Grand Central.

Florida is not the only place trying to catch the eye or winter-worn New Yorkers.  Last week we featured this great activation from Jamaica Tourism on the BEcause blog, which saw a giant stress ball placed in Times Square.

 Read more from Joss Davidge.


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