Building trust by feeding pigs

Building trust by feeding pigs

This week he looks at campaign that builds trust and gets people talking by connecting Londoners with ‘happy pigs’.
A recent survey carried out by global research company Nielsen, showed that Britons felt that 'personal recommendation' was the most trustworthy form of advertising. Peer to peer, friend to friend - it makes sense. This is why we think experiential marketing plays such an important part in today’s marketing mix. Through a well-tailored experience that caters to the audience, you can build confidence through conversation and arm them with something to talk about.
To give an example, after the horsemeat scandal rocked the food industry and derailed consumer trust in meat processing ethics and intentions, we saw scrambled attempts at corporate transparency and heart-felt public apologies designed to rebuild trust. But as we all know, trust is something you have to build and earn, you can’t just demand it.
This campaign from ‘Compassion in World Farming’, which appeared at Westfield Shopping Centre earlier in the year, created an experience that encouraged people to not only engage with the message, but to also take it home with them. Rather than trying to convince busy shoppers that ‘to eat free range is to eat happy’ with static billboards and sculpted copy, the organisation created an interactive experience that connected passers-by with ‘happy pigs’ in Buckinghamshire; creating a fun tangible link between the consumer and the message. This is a good way to develop a genuine relationship with consumers, build trust and give them something to share with their friends.

Read more from Joss Davidge in our Clubhouse.


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