The Famous Grouse - Global Marketing Award Winner

2012: Edrington Group, Global Marketing - Case Study

Edrington Group, Global Marketing


To make The Famous Grouse ‘FAMOUS’ for being Scotland’s No. 1 selling whisky by celebrating 30 years of brand building.


1980 is the year The Famous Grouse first attained its status as the number one selling whisky in Scotland (even though it costs more, the Scots choose it over any other Scotch whisky), a position it has held onto ever since. And so in 2010, The Famous Grouse chose to mark this very happy birthday with a series of events and promotions across the scotch-sipping globe.

Through its biggest campaign to date, The Famous Grouse wanted to say a big ‘thank you’ to those who had first put and then kept them at the top of the tree. And for those who had still not made Grouse a central part of their whisky-sampling world, this was a chance to let them know what they were missing. Above all, consumers and traders needed to know that The Famous Grouse is Famous For A Reason.

Strategy and planning

The strategy was to create a 360º through-the-line campaign that could easily be adopted in all markets. The campaign ranged from advertising, press trips, and events; fresh packaging and special edition bottles; trade campaigns such as voting for Bars which were ‘Famous For A Reason’ and The Grouse Trail featuring designed replica grouse.

The overall aim was to increase the reach among current consumers and to entice the light buyer. Promotional and marketing activity would revolve around the ‘Famous For A Reason’ message and The Famous Grouse Trail, integrating on-trade, digital and PR activity.

August 2010 – August 2011

Widest reaching global campaign 23 significant market campaigns representing 85% of global volume and reaching upwards of 24 million consumers.

Starting clockwise on the diagram included at the bottom of this case study:

  • New TV advertising.
  • New print advertising.
  • Limited edition gift tin designed by Scottish designers, Timorous Beasties.
  • Digital programme inviting trade and consumers to celebrate famous bars
  • Point of sale and in-store items.
  • Using the last remaining 1,980 bottles of 30 year old malt – signed by Master Blender and presented in a presentation box.
  • The Grouse Trail – celebrating the ICON.
  • Re-pack of the bottle – giving the icon greater stand out.

Our ambitions and objectives

  • Clearly convey the No.1 whisky in Scotland message in the warm and witty Grouse tone of voice.
  • Communicate the ‘Famous for a Reason’ message.
  • Increase reach and saliency amongst current consumers and reassure light buyers by giving them a reason to believe.
  • To provide all our markets with a clear 360 campaign that enables them to easily develop and deliver these objectives.

The Glorious 12th

August 12th marks the brand’s birthday and the ideal date to launch the campaign. 100 day countdown began on 4th May – alerting consumers and markets to the forthcoming celebrations.

To kick things off, an open day was held at the distillery – with over 1,200 visitors it was their busiest day ever. A special Birthday Trusadh (the name of our brand education programmes) took place at the distillery inviting journalists and VIPs from Russia, Portugal, Sweden, Greece and India.


The most ambitious part of the campaign was The Grouse Trail. Our whisky brand stands apart from its competitors because it is named not after the whisky’s founder, but after Scotland’s National Game Bird – the Red Grouse.

The Grouse Trail involved celebrating the icon by creating replicas of ‘the grouse’, each measuring 1 metre high. After an initial celebration at the home of the brand, the models then embarked on a world tour which would see them decorated by artists from different countries. This gave each market free reign to choose a local artist and create a unique PR story.

The Grouse Trail

To make this truly memorable, we decided to set ourselves the challenge of creating a Grouse statue at the home of the brand in Perth.

As a result a permanent statue was erected in Perth towering above the A9 at the Broxden roundabout – one of the busiest roundabouts in Scotland.

The sculpture which depicts a grouse taking flight can be seen emerging from the trees on the roundabout. Standing proud at an impressive 49 feet tall (including the 29 ft column) and weighing 1.5 tonnes, the sculpture promises to be one of the most striking public artworks in Scotland.

This open structure of galvanised steel was created by Scottish sculptor Ruaraig Maciver with favourable comparisons made to the famous Angel of the North near Newcastle.

Working tirelessly with the local council and Transport Scotland, permission was given to create the eye catching sculpture to celebrate Perth 800* which also too place in 2010. It was agreed that the red grouse is a fitting symbol of Perthshire and so the sculpture was gifted to the people of Perth.

*’Perth 800 is a year long celebration in 2010 which marks the 800th anniversary of the granting of the Royal Burgh Charter to Perth by King William the Lion in 1210.’

 All around the world

Over 22 markets, accounting for over 80% of The Famous Grouse all adopted the campaign – making it the single most successful campaign we have rolled out to date.

As we can’t showcase them all the following examples demonstrate how 3 markets chose to convey the message that The Famous Grouse is proud to have spent 30 years at the top of the whisky tree.

Russia – Let’s celebrate together

The team in Russia truly embraced this opportunity utilising all aspects of the 360 campaign.

  • The website was the main hub of activity – with competitions and games for consumers to play.
  • Facebook was utilised to reach the core target audience of trendsetting 30-year-olds, attracting over 3,000 members. The Facebook account featured reports from events and links to promotional activities on the website helping to create a strong buzz.
  • With the slogan ‘Let’s Celebrate Together’ ringing loud and clear, The Famous Bar promotion allied to helped choose the best bars in Moscow and St Petersburg. Bloggers, photographers and bagpipers were recruited to help get the celebrations started.
  • Bottle neck-hangers were placed in all stores inviting people to visit the website.
  • Limited edition 30 year old blended malt and Timorous Beasties gift tins were launched providing another PR news-hook.
  • Famous Dinners were held for VIPs and media generating press coverage in glossies such as Playboy, Medved, and My Way, while press trips to Scotland resulted in double- spread articles published in a range of high profile magazines including; Transaero-Imperial and Menu.
  • The Famous Grouse also sponsored a range of events including tastings and a concert by iconic Scots rockers Nazareth and Famous Dinners in Volgograd and Rostov.

Did the message reach consumers?

  • Our brand tracker report shows that the PR activity had the highest level of cut-through – around a quarter of (26%) people interviewed claimed to have seen articles about The Famous Grouse.
  • The below graph shows the change in visitor numbers to the campaign website following the launch.
  • The campaign reached over 10,000 consumers on facebook, with an average of 3,150 comments being made each day, demonstrating it was a very engaged audience.

23 significant market campaigns representing 85% of global volume

UK and Greece

Both the UK and Greece chose to celebrate ‘Famous for A Reason’ via campaigns that integrated advertising, on-trade, digital and PR activity.

Despite being tough, mature markets the following campaigns enabled them to drive salience by giving consumers and the on-trade a reason to believe why they should pay more for The Famous Grouse.

Famous 100 is an example of how a campaign has worked in one market and then been rolled out to another market in the form of The Famous 75 Bars in Greece.

Famous 100 and The Grouse Trail in the UK was an opportunity to thank the on- trade for their support in making The Famous Grouse, Scotland’s no.1 selling whisky for 30 years. As a result of its success it’s been rolled out for a second year and won 4 industry awards.

Famous 75 Bars and The Grouse Trail in Greece was an opportunity to reach key influencers as well as directly engage the 30 year old target audience, through Facebook and targeting the on-trade.

UK - The Famous 100 Pubs

To celebrate the long lasting success of the brand and bring to life the “Famous for a reason”™ message, the UK launched a campaign to find 100 famous British pubs.

As the British public have a strong emotional relationship with their local pubs, and most pubs have a famous story, they asked people to nominate why their local should be made Famous. The reason had to be unique and the best 100 would be celebrated in a bespoke 16 page supplement in a national newspaper – The Daily Telegraph.


  • Bring to life the ‘Famous For a Reason’ message for both consumer and trade.
  • Drive traffic to the microsite and secure a minimum of 400 nominations.
  • Secure coverage throughout the country about the nominated pubs and their reason for being famous.
  • Switch drinkers to The Famous Grouse from other blended whisky brands, retain these consumers and build emotional engagement via the ‘Famous for a Reason’ message.

The campaign which achieved:

  • 43,000 hits
  • 11,000 unique users
  • 800 online nominations (double the target set)
  • secured 53 pieces of coverage

is a great example of an integrated campaign that engaged both the on-trade and consumer audiences to generate coverage for the brand.

The quality of the nominations submitted were exceptional. As a result The Famous 100 became a fantastic collection of renowned pubs that truly stood-out from the crowd. The 16- page supplement includes inns, pubs and hotels of all shapes and sizes and their reasons for being famous ranged from a pub in a cave, another with a boxing ring to one that leans further than the leaning tower of Pisa.

Feedback from the publicans:

Leila Maia (Barley Mow pub) “We are so proud to be in the Famous Top 100. The timing of the award was fantastic as we had just had a refurbishment so our guests had seen the amount of work that went into it. They have also been talking about it and bringing the supplement in to show us.”

Stuart Wraith (The Fools Nook) “The Famous Grouse Famous 100 is a wonderful idea, celebrating the interesting histories of these typically British institutes. Not only highlighting our heritage but finding out about others was fantastic.”

Despite having a national media partner, the nominations provided rich material to create significant regional and online coverage. A total of 53 pieces appeared across the seven regions.

What did this campaign deliver?

  • Brings FAMOUS FOR A REASON™ to life for consumers in the heart of the drinking occasion, while supporting key outlets
  • 'Genuine' fame supports FAMOUS FOR A REASON™ platform
  • Trade buy-in & semi-permanent/permanent branding provides strong switching message at POP
  • The on-trade outlets receive “free” publicity as a result of being included in Famous 100
  • Builds YOY, as more pubs are inducted to The Famous Grouse ‘Hall of Fame’ annually

Commenting on the campaign Andre de Almeida, UK Area Manager said:

“This is a great example of a truly integrated marketing campaign delivering real tangible results. Our Maxxium Brand Development Team has delivered great work around this campaign. They’ve gained new distribution points for The Famous Grouse family, switched customers from competitor blends to Grouse, added new Maxxium accounts to our database and raised the profile of The Famous Grouse in the on trade.”

UK - The Grouse Trail

The UK Grouse Trail was launched in April 2011 and was aligned with The Famous 100 campaign.

The campaign was launched via Facebook to identify the 30 favourite pubs from The Famous 100. The Famous Grouse then recruited Scottish artist Johanna Basford, to create an illustration representing each of the 30 favourite pubs. These were drawn onto the Grouse replica, which then toured the UK.

The campaign peaked with the release of Johanna Basford’s 30 designs for each of the famous pubs. To maximise exposure 2D versions of the designs were shared individually via Facebook and Twitter, generating a lot of excitement and comments from our fans.

Regionalised press releases were issued announcing the 30 pubs across the UK that would be receiving a bespoke Johanna Basford illustration

The Drovers Inn - Famous for its ghostly legend about the little girl who drowned in the burn, and was placed in the bed in one of the rooms.

Greece – Celebrating 30 years at No. 1

The strategy
Greece chose to celebrate ‘Famous for A Reason’ by developing their own 360 campaign that integrated event sponsorship, on-trade, digital and PR activity.

Greece – The Grouse Trail

The Grouse Trail kicked off the 30 year celebrations in Greece.

Three contemporary designers were commissioned to decorate The Grouse replicas which would be put on display at a range of events throughout the city.

The Grouse Statues were exhibited at The Ermis Awards (the biggest event rewarding creativity in the communications industry) in front of 1,500 delegates including trendsetters and opinion formers in media, advertising and marketing.

They also presented the 125 award winners with a personalised bottle which were put on display at the event (see photo over page), reinforcing the “Famous for a reason” message.

Branding the event in such a unique and contemporary way ensured that The Famous Grouse “owned the event” and created a talking point.

This event kicked off The Grouse Trail, and since then the statues have been put on display at a range of events by the team throughout the campaign.

To generate further awareness and publicity around the campaign two short films were uploaded to YouTube telling the story of The Grouse Trail:

Greece – The Famous 75 Bars

The second major part of the campaign was The Famous 75 Bars.

In association with leading lifestyle publication Athens Voice, a digital campaign was created in which readers would celebrate and then vote for their favourite bars in Greece.

Athens Voice were celebrating reaching 50,000 Facebook friends and so the campaign kicked off with two parties (one in Athens and one in Salonica) hosted by Athens Voice and sponsored by The Famous Grouse.

As an added twist and to mark The Famous Grouse’s 30 years celebration, anyone born in 1980, could join the party for free.

2,500 people attended the parties and had the chance to sample The Famous Grouse drinks.

The next stage involved asking Athen’s Voice readers to nominate which Bars they felt deserved to be made “famous”. Via an interactive Facebook application readers could nominate and leave comments about their favourite bar. To incentivise readers competitions ran throughout the campaign. The result was a 10 page feature in Athens Voice detailing the Top 75 Famous Bars in Athens.


What every great story needs is a little extra spice. The Famous Grouse Trail certainly provided that with a hearty cocktail of replica birds, social media and great bars that were ‘famous for a reason’.

Keeping anything going for thirty years these days is a major triumph. But to maintain a place at number one in the highly competitive whisky industry is a true cause for celebration.

The Famous Grouse made the most of that feat from August 2010 to December 2011 worldwide with an impressive volley of events, promotions and campaigns, all steered towards explaining that they are Famous For A Reason.

Not only did we achieve our objectives:

  • Clearly convey the No.1 whisky in Scotland message in the warm and witty Grouse tone of voice
  • Communicate the ‘Famous for a Reason’ message
  • Increase reach and saliency amongst current consumers and reassure light buyers by giving them a reason to believe
  • To provide all our markets with a clear 360 campaign that easily develops and delivers these objectives

But most importantly we increased our sales and grew the brand. Overall despite the blended Scotch market only growing at an average of 1% our brand grew by +8.31% between 2010/11 to 2011/12.

To book your table for this year's awards or to find out how to enter the Awards for Excellence 2014 visit:

The campaign which achieved:

43,000 hits
11,000 unique users
800 online nominations (double the target set)
secured 53 pieces of coverage

is a great example of an integrated campaign that engaged both the on-trade and consumer audiences to generate coverage for the brand.

The quality of the nominations submitted were exceptional. As a result The Famous 100 became a fantastic collection of renowned pubs that truly stood-out from the crowd. The 16- page supplement includes inns, pubs and hotels of all shapes and sizes and their reasons for being famous ranged from a pub in a cave, another with a boxing ring to one that leans further than the leaning tower of Pisa.

Feedback from the publicans:



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