10 things we know about love

10 things we know about love

1.    65% of people are more likely to tilt their heads to the right when kissing instead of the left.

2.    Men and women with highly symmetrical faces tend to have more lovers to choose from. Additionally, men with symmetrical faces begin to have sex four years earlier, have more sex, and have more affairs than their lopsided peers. Women also tend to have more orgasms with symmetrical men.

3.    On average, female lonely hearts prefer a man five years older than them.

4.    It can take between 90 seconds and four minutes to decide if we’re attracted to someone. 55% is through body language, 38% is the tone and speed of our voice, only 7% is through what we say.

5.    Most people will fall in love approximately seven times before marriage.

6.    On average, men around the world marry women who are three years younger than themselves. In the United States, men who remarry usually choose a wife five years younger; if they wed a third time, they often marry someone eight years younger than themselves.

7.    An estimated 37 million dates take place for Valentine’s Day each year in the UK.

8.    British men are expected to spend £622 million on Valentine’s Day this year, compared to £345m spent by women.

9.    Last year more than 11m more texts were sent on Valentine’s Day, compared to another day in February, hitting a total of 229,761,058 texts.

10.    In the US, £231m is spent on pets for Valentine’s each year.


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