What we learned from Bad Leaders

Bad Leaders: a review

The Bad Leaders event was an evening for brave confessions and bold discussions. Stories were flipped on themselves from those who were led badly to those were leading badly.

We learnt firstly that, whilst you may intend to be a good leader, the impact you may have may not be the one you intend.

And whilst anyone can manage, few can actually lead. 

Here are some of the learnings we took from the discussion:

Don't sink with the ship 

"Egotistical leaders will affect the business in the long term. You need to ask yourself, 'do I want to be part of a sinking ship?' It's hard to understand if something's broken when you're part of it or if you can't get out."

Karma does exist

'Serial bad leaders get what's coming to them. What goes around actually does come around.'

No one is born a leader

'Being humble is at the core. Nobody's perfect. It's often thrust upon you. There isn't a manual.'

Always communicate, the good and bad

"Don't wait until you have good news to communicate with your team. Always keen them informed and the dialogue going.'

Set the tone you want to see 

'The tone of your voice and posture will set how any meeting goes. It's still hard to show up as a leader.'

You need to be satisfied, in and out of work 

'Who are you on a personal level and who are you at work? What are your needs at different levels? If you bring them together you'll be more successful.'

It's so simple

but, 'treat people like people.'

By Orianna Rosa Royle


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