Member interview with Tom Reid

Q&A with Tom Reid

Tom joined NVT Group last March after working as a Senior Sales Executive at Greaves Sports Limited for nearly four years.

What’s your golden rule?

A simple one but its treat others how you want to be treated. Something which I think can be forgotten in business.

Who has been your biggest influence?

My parents, who have always pushed me to be the best I can be.

What is your most hated business expression? 

Ducks in a Row

How can marketers be braver?

I think if you can articulate your passion and ideas in a way that the rest of the business understands, you have the opportunity to embed bravery into the business to the benefit of everyone.

What’s the biggest risk you’ve taken in your career?

Moving into the IT services industry.

Which leader do you admire most and why?

Sir Alex Ferguson. As a sport fan I don’t think there has been a leader as respected as Sir Alex. He took the time to know everyone’s name at the club whether they were a player on thousands of pounds a week or admin staff. He was simultaneously loved and feared by his players which gained him respect.

What’s your favourite word?


Tell us a secret?

I’m a massive Star Wars fan.

Connect with Tom on Linked In


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