Interview with Siddharth Banerjee, India Board Member

Siddharth Banerjee Q&A

We caught up with EVP Marketing at Vodafone and The Marketing Society India board member, Siddharth Banerjee

What’s your golden rule?

'Fortune favours the brave. Also, 'luck favours the prepared mind'.

Who has been your biggest influence?

Business leaders in my formative years at Unilever

What is your most hated business expression?

'Going forward'. Why would you go anywhere else?

How can marketers be braver?

Take a stand and solve big problems. 

What’s the biggest risk you’ve taken in your career?

I have made the choice to take diverse roles – local / regional / global / category / strategy / p&l – very stretching but has added tremendously to life & work experiences.

Which leader do you admire most and why?

Leaders who create compelling experience brands (think Starbucks, Nike, Apple).

What’s your favourite word?


Tell us a secret?

I’m searching for the elixir of youth.

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