
Interview with Mark Evans

This week we meet the CMO at Direct Line.

What’s your golden rule?
That everyone is capable of much more than they believe of themselves. 
Who has been your biggest influence?
Without doubt my wife who, by virtue of being a nurse, enables me to stay grounded. Thankfully when she asks me if anyone died at work today the answer is typically no! 
What is your most hated business expression?
I'm a fan of buzzwords and am quite proud when I make up a new word that I hear used by others subsequently. That said both "for me" and "going forward" are blatantly over-used. 
What’s the smartest business idea you’ve ever had?
The biggest game-changing (see previous question) deal that I did was as Athletic Union President on a sabbatical year a long long time ago at University. After several years of paltry revenues I did a mega-deal with a nightclub which meant that all the sports clubs had new kit and went on nice tours and I had a free bar tab all year on Wednesday evenings.
Which leader do you admire most and why?
Ritchie McCaw. The only captain to lift the Rugby World Cup twice. He played for New Zealand 148 times but wasn't too proud to sweep the changing rooms after the game. 
What’s your favourite word?
"Game-on". Technically two words perhaps but it's only two syllables and it is uplifting to say and to hear. 
Tell us a secret
I can down a pint in under 3 seconds.

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