Above and beyond at this year’s Marketing Society conference

Above and beyond

(A blog of a fantastic, futuristic day, told in tweets.)

@marketingsoc We're off. Snug in our cinema seats at the BFI. El Presidente Stephen Maher promising us ‘bald’, inspiring speakers -hold onto your hats!
#GoBeyond A booming sci-fi soundtrack & a galaxy of stars race out at warp speed from a black screen, to leave us in no doubt about this year’s theme.

@DanAriely Jewish son asks Mother to spot his fiancé from 4 girls he’s dated. She talks to each & picks correctly. But how he asks? Easy, I hated her!
#GoBeyond It's not about the final thing but the effort behind it. The IKEA effect = the more involved the process, the more value we ascribe to it.

@Elif_Safak Those who tell the best stories rule the world. Our brain is a story processor not a logic processor.
#GoBeyond There is a need to unlearn knowledge now and again... sometimes you should let the ink dissolve.

@at_thomson Why upset bankers more than normal by telling them how screwed their business model is [Uberfy or die].
#GoBeyond 'Kultur spiser strategier til Morgenmad.' Swedish saying that means, 'Culture eats strategy for breakfast.'

@scoutu UK PLC growth relies not on start-ups but scale-ups [10+ staff & growing +20% pa] & Unicorns with potential for +£1bn valuation.
#GoBeyond Spot a Unicorn and ride it baby, ride it.

@AlanDeBotton marketing appeals to psychological appetites but largely fails to deliver happiness.
#GoBeyond Forget about candlelit dinners, external threats are much better for rekindling relationships.

@TeamSky SirDaveBrailsford A culture that strives for marginal improvements creates an environment where people feel they can get better.
#GoBeyond Don’t focus on team harmony, focus on goal harmony. You have to be aligned to the same goal.

@LukeJohnsonRCP You can’t be half a leader or half an entrepreneur.
#GoBeyond Entrepreneurs need grit, character & no Plan B: wager everything & then move heaven & earth to make it work.

@MartinGlenn Martin Glenn asked in his new FA job, what does a bloke who sold crisps know about football?
#GoBeyond Answer = a potential new vision for the FA: Unite the game to inspire the nation

@FHIOxford Prof Nick Bostrom When machines beat humans like Big Blue beating Kasparov it's no longer called A.I.
#GoBeyond AI ambition is to create a machine with equivalent planning, learning & reasoning behaviour as humans. Will be our last invention.  

@RonDennis Your only 'sympathy window' should be between waking up & placing your feet on the floor out of bed – no more, no less.
##GoBeyond Be prepared to pay a little more for the right service. Your relationship with your suppliers is critical.

@TheGlobalGoals UN Amanda McKenzie outlines The Global Goals - a Magna Carta for the C21st
#GoBeyond Discard everything that means nothing & focus on the one thing that matters to you.

John Kearon @ChiefJuicer at BrainJuicer. Read more from them here.


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