Inspirational Breakfast: Parag Khanna & Connectography

Parag Khanna

Parag is a leading global strategist, world traveller and best-selling author. He’s also a CNN Global Contributor, Senior Research Fellow at Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at the National University of Singapore and a Young Global Leader of the World Economic Forum.

He shared insights from his latest book Connectography: Mapping the Future of Global Civilisation which maps our hyper-connected planet. Parag highlights that we’re accelerating into a future shaped less by countries and boundaries, but by connectivity. Mankind has a new maxim – connectivity is destiny – and the most connected powers and people, will win.

He was joined by Tricia Weener, Head of Marketing Commercial Banking and Global Banking & Markets, HSBC. Tricia looked at how this latest theory impacts marketers and the uncomfortable truths this will effect, such as the global vs local battle.

We've collated a few of our favourite insights from the session:

  • There’s a new moral compass towards a 'Global Society'. In emerging markets, people call themselves global to a far greater extent than their Western counterparts
  • ASEAN is the world’s new factory floor and supply chain centre – the ‘New China’. It’s only been made possible through connectivity. Intra-ASEAN trade has increased dramatically
  • We learnt the term SIJORI: the Singaporean/Malaysian/Indonesian Triangle
  • With the next technological revolution automating more jobs, we have to ‘double-down’ on peer-to-peer services which are impacted less by robotic technology, such as construction, healthcare, education and retail.

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