Mark Adams

Vice President and Head of Innovation, VICE Media, UK

Serial entrepreneur and award winning global thought leader on content strategy. Sitting at the intersection of technology, entertainment and brand building. Working directly with A-list celebs and the C-suite of the world’s largest companies to lead content and digital transformation. Driven by the mission to democratise digital knowledge and keep the new economy fair by ‘bridging the digital divide’ in society.


• Sunday Times - Top People in Britain
• Evening Standard - Most Influential Londoners
• Debretts - Top 10 Digital List
• The Drum – Global Digerati List
• The Guardian - Star of Tech City
• Silicon 60 Global Tech Entrepreneurs
• Social Stats.
55k LinkedIn. 42k Facebook. 7k Twitter.
3.1 million views on You Tube.


VICE MEDIA — Senior Vice President, Innovation (2015-Present)
Tasked to lead digital transformation from a print magazine into the world’s leading youth media brand. Responsible for aligning the five company divisions with the company’s worldwide brand and uniting Vice Media Group’s portfolio and teams across marketing, branding and communications under one pillar. Setting global content strategy pivoting away from socio-demographic towards a community model of content creation as well as develop more strategic and innovative brand campaigns and partnerships. Central role in launching internal agency Virtue. Growing the business to 35 markets.