ss podcast

Sustainability Squad Podcast Series

Hosted out of the UAE, the sustainability squad was created to bring together a group of members to help drive change around ESG and help curate high-quality content in the UAE’s Year of Sustainability. 

The purpose of the podcast is to educate and inspire the marcomms community to drive change around sustainability and ESG, build case studies of great work marketeers have done in the region around ESG and demonstrate real life problem solving and creativity to influence stakeholder groups around better ESG principles.

Episode 1 - Introduction to the sustainability squad, marketing and ESG

In this first episode hear from cohosts: Abdul Rahim Osman, Dan Bolton and Nada Sayarh PhD as they introduce the series, explore considerations for marketeers when it comes to ESG and what more can marketeers do to help drive better ESG practices.

Episode 2 - Purpose-driven strategy, the role and function of brand

In episode 2 hear from Abdul Rahim Osman and Dan Dimmock as they dive into what it means to be a purpose-led organisation, the function of brands and marketing and how brands can help consumers make better-informed decisions.

Episode 4 - Media industry perspectives surrounding ESG

In episode 4 hear from Abdul Rahim Osman and Stewart Morrison as they dive into Media Industry perspectives surrounding ESG. Particularly covering Environmental and responsible media issues to start with! 

Episode 5 - Sacred Groves: a case study. Putting the E into ESG

In episode 5 hear from Abdul Rahim Osman and Vikram Krishna. In this episode they explore all things about developing a purpose led organisation from inception, combining 30 years of marketing experience in financial services to making an impact on ESG, keeping creativity and how CMOs can navigate ESG.

Episode 6 - Driving positive change and planning for long-term sustainable business growth

In episode 6 hear from Abdul Rahim Osman and Tricia Weener as they explore how marketers can drive positive change and plan for long-term sustainable growth.


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