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Member Interview with Oliver Budgen

We are delighted to bring you a Member Interview with Oliver Budgen, Founder & CEO, Bud 


What’s your golden rule?

Keep it simple.


Who has been your biggest influence?

Anthony Bourdain, I love his unpretentious and voracious consumption of life.  


What is your most hated business expression?

When an agency website says 'we have XXX years of combined experience'.


What’s the smartest business idea you’ve ever had?

Six-minute abs.


Which leader do you admire most and why?

Yvon Chouinard, founder of Patagonia. He reminds us that business and purpose don't have to sit at odds with one another. 


What is on your mind the most right now as a marketing leader?

sustainable growth and new market expansion.


Why is being part of The Marketing Society important for your career?

Connecting and learning. 


Why does marketing matter to you?

Marketing connects. 


Tell us something that’s not on your CV

Prior to moving. I was in an electro-rock band and toured across the UK. 

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Published on 10 March 2025


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