We are delighted to bring you a Member Interview with Felita Figueredo, Senior Director - Head of Digital & Insights | Strategic Communications EMEA
What’s your golden rule?
"The Best is Yet to Come" I believe the decisions we make are based on the knowledge we have at the time, and the only way forward is to keep looking ahead, It motivates you and makes you want to work for something better, because unless you believe it to be so, the less likely you're to step up and try.
What is your most hated business expression?
To Think outside the Box. This is a statement which is often thrown around and designed to be motivating and inspiring, but is overused and often out of context. We need to reframe how we look at motivating, inspiring and guiding others to think differently and challenge themselves more.
What keeps you up at night as a marketing leader?
Marketing is going through some dynamic changes, from technological advances to shifts in skillsets. We're seeing a rise in specialization, which impacts how marketing leaders would need to structure their teams, and evaluate the right kind of support needed to help businesses succeed. The rate of change in technology, is also outpacing the scale with with marketers can learn and keep up, it also challenges ideas of authenticity and how can true connection not only be made but also maintained with audiences, when content can be generated quickly and using AI.
Why is being part of The Marketing Society important for your career?
The Marketing Society presents a terrific opportunity to connect with other like minded people who are interested in self- development and expanding their network. It's a good way to stay updated on latest trends and developments, while staying in touch with others within the industry.
Why does marketing matter to you?
"Business has only two functions Marketing & Innovation" - Peter Drucker. This quote has been inspiring as it's a constant reminder of the importance of marketing, as a growth enabler, rather than how it is currently pigeon holed as advertising or branding only, siloed functions. We're slowly seeing a reverse trend where marketing is re-integrating with technology, product, communications and more which shows how it is an integral business function. Marketing in combination with psychology presents unique opportunities for understanding audiences, while on-going integration with business promotes marketing internally.
Tell us something that’s not on your CV
A third-culture child, I moved to Dubai at a very early age and grew up within this dynamic city. I had the chance to see how it has developed and expanded, and had the opportunity to work in key sectors that have shaped Dubai, namely hospitality, energy and now fin-tech.
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Published on 16 July 2024
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