source and credit; Diane

Member Interview Diane Perlman

We are delighted to bring you a Member Interview with Diane Perlman, CEO of Branding Matters.


What’s your golden rule?

Always have the courage of your convictions. I believe it's important to stand behind one's beliefs and decisions and have a bias for action. In my career, I have found that this builds trust and a solid foundation for partnership and growth.


Who has been your biggest influence?

Probably my father. He had an amazing entrepreneurial spirit, believed in nurturing relationships and the power of personal connections (always just picking up the phone long after email, texting and social media emerged), not because he wanted anything in return - just because he enjoyed talking to people, understanding their lives and sharing their joys and challenges. He approached every situation with a thoughtfulness and sense of humour that I admire so much.


What is your most hated business expression?

'Let's circle back to that' - such a cliche! Let's just address it and keep moving.


What’s the smartest business idea you’ve ever had?

Starting a fractional marketing consultancy during an economic downturn in 2023, when companies were slow to make senior, costly marketing hires, but still needed strategic guidance and brand and marketing stewardship. Opening up this niche has been one of the best things that's happened to me from a business and lifestyle perspective. Since then, I've been retained to create and launch a new tech/wellness brand from scratch and create a marketing plan, team and executional engine at a leading market research agency, among other exciting projects.


Which leader do you admire most and why?

I really admire Sarah Wood, Founder and CEO of ad tech company Unruly, where I worked previously as her CMO. She was the most positive and energetic leader I've had the pleasure of working closely with, and she created and fostered an incredible company culture that I was so proud and excited to be a part of. It was probably the best company culture I've experienced in my whole career. She was also a natural marketer and always led by example, trusting her team to input into strategy and to deliver 'wow' - one of the company's core values. I learned so much from her that I carry forward to today.


What keeps you up at night as a marketing leader?

I'm always wondering what else I could be doing - can I be more strategic, get more creative, inspire more, learn new skills - to achieve the goals of my clients. I'm also always looking for the secret sauce that will turn ideas from good to great.


Why is being part of The Marketing Society important for your career?

Networking and community are the cornerstone of any career. And I genuinely believe in nurturing and building relationships along the journey. Being a member also lets me tune into inspiring marketing leaders and stay on top of trends.


Why does marketing matter to you?

I love creating and building memorable brands and developing the strategies and tactics to help them grow. It's that simple. It's so exciting to see that progress unfold and to build and be part of something that can really have an impact.


Tell us something that’s not on your CV

I love to cook - you can usually find a delicious Ottolenghi dish bubbling away in my kitchen most weekends.


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Published on 31 May 2024


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