Mike Fairburn

Fellow interview with Mike Fairburn

We are delighted to bring you a Fellow interview with Mike Fairburn, who was recently honoured as a Fellow of The Marketing Society 2023.


What’s your golden rule?

Be confident enough to embrace those who know more than you. Talented people are not a threat, they are a superpower, so focus on finding the superstars, and let them loose on the things they are great at


Who has been your biggest influence?

There isn't really one influence there are of course many. Over my career I have so many people to thank, my first boss who taught me that you could build a great marketing business from scratch and still have a good time, all the way through to my many team leaders and senior staff who have shown me how every day we are learning, to take nothing for granted, and never stop asking questions.


What is your most hated business expression?

Out of the box thinking, please get back in the box that’s enough of that!


What’s the smartest business idea you’ve ever had?

marrying my wife


Which leader do you admire most and why?

Ruth Ginsberg


What keeps you up at night as a marketing leader?

People. How can I help those around me be the very best they can be and enjoy what they do


Why is being a member of the Society important for your career?

The network, the opportunity to connect with global leaders, learn from the bravest and most creative, and manage to create things together that have made a difference to our local marketing industry


Tell us something that’s not on your CV

My dog is called Bryson and I recently discovered he is a cross between a Dachshund and a Shiba Inu (a Japanese Hunting Dog)


Published on 12 December 2023



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