Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

The Queen

Seventy years of incredible service, duty and leadership. Ninety-six years of a fascinating life. One unforgettable Queen. 
As the marketers, advertisers and media owners in our community work to respond to the sad passing of the Queen with the appropriate grace as well as pace, The Marketing Society celebrates the life of an inspiring leader and her reign, and mourns her loss, with great sadness. 

Please note that our Annual Lecture with Carolyn McCall, CEO of ITV was due to take place on the 14th September and was postponed as a mark of our respect as we have all taken time to mourn and respond to this historic change. 

The new date is the 17th November - please click here for more details and to book.

The Marketing Society team would like to express our very best wishes to the Royal Family, the British public, all of the nations of the Commonwealth and all who are grieving the loss of an unforgettable leader.