Her Excellency Nouf Mohamed Al-Bushlaibi
Executive Director of Strategic Marketing & Communications Sector
HE Nouf Mohamed Al-Boushelaibi is delivering transformative marketing and communications projects for Abu Dhabi.
As the Executive Director of Strategic Marketing and Communications at the Department of Culture and Tourism – Abu Dhabi (DCT Abu Dhabi), Al-Boushelaibi’s mandate is to share Abu Dhabi with the world, delivering and enabling excellence in integrated communications and unified storytelling for DCT and its stakeholders.
To deliver on this mandate, Al-Boushelaibi continues to transform DCT’s marketing and communications across local and global markets, through innovative and cutting-edge campaigns. She is committed to equipping the next generation of Emirati’s with the skills and expertise they need, creating a diverse, high-performing team.
Under her leadership, she has guided the organisation and destination rebrand, unifying culture and tourism marketing and communications in the emirate, and successfully launched Experience Abu Dhabi brand, positioning the emirate globally as a unique and enriching cultural and entertainment destination.
Before joining DCT Abu Dhabi, Al-Boushelaibi was a board member of Experience Hub, and Director of the Destination & Marketing Management Department at Miral where she shaped the corporate narrative and culture, drove the global destination strategy and oversaw the overall Visitor Experience strategy for Yas Island. Previously she was Head of Corporate Communications for
Abu Dhabi’s Water & Electricity Regulation and Supervision Bureau where she pioneered a consumer centric approach to the organisations strategy and communications. Al Boushelaibi also worked with Mubadala under the Aerospace Division.