Emma Revie
Chief Executive, The Trussell Trust
Emma has been the chief executive of the Trussell Trust since 2018, leading us through periods of enormous change as we reorientated our work supporting food banks to turn towards building a future where no one will need a food bank, and then responded to increasing hardship during the pandemic.
She has always been inspired by social justice, becoming involved in the Jubilee 2000 Drop the Debt campaign while a student in Glasgow, calling for the unjust and unpayable debts of the poorest countries in the world to be cancelled. Previously she was chief executive at youth charities Ambition and Landmark, and head of donor services at international aid charity Tearfund.
Day to day, she engages with partner charities and government ministers to build support for the changes that will end the need for food banks, and holds meetings with staff and food banks around the UK to work through the challenges and opportunities that will bring us closer to our vision.