Content Guidelines

The Marketing Society Content Guidelines

We're here to inspire, accelerate and unite the marketing leaders of today and tomorrow. Our mission is to help you do well in your careers and do good in your organisations and society.

Our goal is to be the global community that connects marketing leaders, fostering a community mindset of Change Leaders who can drive significant impact in the business world.

Based on regular feedback from our Members regarding desired content topics, event themes, and pressing concerns for marketing leaders, we will now update this page frequently with current contribution opportunities.

You can find these topics listed below.

What you need to know

We curate the best, most interesting content from all over the world for our Members. There are 3000+ members in our global community of leading marketers from brands including Google, Unilever, Diageo and more.

  1. We only accept content from our Members and Partners - if you are not a Member yet, please find out more at our Join Us page
  2. Types of content we use: think pieces, event reviews, Q&As, interviews, podcasts and videos
  3. We have three different lengths of content: Quick Insights: up to 400 words, Think Piece: 400-600 words, Deeper Dives: up to 900 words
  4. We also welcome content shared as voice notes, video format and transcriptions that we can turn into content for you, if you're not a natural writer but have something to say, please still get in touch about contributing 
  5. Please credit any sources used or mentioned in your article. If you wish to include images, these must be credited and copyright free
  6. Content should be original and not appear on other websites. If this is not the case, let us know alongside your submission with the link to the original article
  7. We do not share content that advertises, promotes or appears to be part of a link-building scheme
  8. Please all new member content will sit behind the member log-in apart from select pieces decided upon by the Editor
  9. We know that not everyone is a natural writer, so we welcome diverse content formats, including voice notes, video summaries, and key takeaways, which we can transcribe or adapt into written articles or podcasts to accommodate various communication styles.
  10. We do not allow the publication of press releases or new partnership news for our Members (unless you are based in Scotland in which case this is shared in "Supporting our Members” newsletter that goes to Scotland members and non-members. The deadline is Tuesday 5pm each week for inclusion in the Wednesday edition. Email [email protected])

How to contribute

Get in touch with [email protected] attaching a draft of your article in the form of a Word or Google document, please note this must be a completed piece of content and not a pitch. You will also need to provide a high-resolution headshot and bio to appear alongside the piece.

Once you have submitted, we will be in touch shortly with the next steps. 

Our team reserve the right to edit your content as we see fit and to reject any contributions that we don't think are suitable for our Members. 

Current topics/areas

1. Generative AI 

2. Marketing Essentials (including various aspects like B2B, Gen Z, ethics)

3. Brand-related topics

4. Leadership and skills

5. Sustainability

How we promote content

Content sits behind our member log-in but we will still feature select content on LinkedIn so that our wider community can see the type of content we explore and also to help raise our Member profiles. 
Our Editor may decide on the content to be featured outside of the paywall and promoted to our wider audience and we regularly share our Member content in The Edit our monthly newsletter to all global hubs

We also hand-pick the best content from our community to share in our LinkedIn version of our newsletter 'The Edit' with 45,000+ subscribers

We share our content across our social platforms: LinkedIn | Instagram 

If you have any further questions or wish to get in touch directly, please contact [email protected]