From cocktails to saving lives

From cocktails to saving lives

For Marketing Society members, changing the world can be just a drink and a click away.

Since the launch of the Marketing for Good initiative at the Society’s Summer Party, members have had the opportunity to contribute to a live brief in collaboration with Pimp My Cause.

Gareth Simpson, global operations director at Leo Burnett, attended the party, met the Pimp My Cause team and answered that call.

That same week Gareth was signed up to Pimp My Cause and connecting with possible candidates for his pro bono support. After expressing his interest in supporting a cause with international expansion, he was introduced by their Chief Match maker to Louisa Boyle, head of communications and fundraising for the St John International Development Office in London, and is now making a big impact on their branding and communications plans.

The St John International Development office faces an intriguing challenge from a marketing perspective. While their parent brand St John is extremely well known for their first aid and ambulance work, the Development office is a new team with their own mission. Louisa’s team needs to differentiate their work from the work being done by St John in the UK and create a brand that pays tribute to their history while shining light on their new humanitarian programmes overseas.

One of their key programme goals is to transform maternal, newborn and child health in Africa and they have now begun a pilot programme in five African countries, called the Maternal, Newborn and Child Healthcare Programme (MNCH). The programme builds on the strength of St John’s vast, local volunteer base who are highly trained healthcare professionals working in and with local communities.

Gareth has been drawing on his substantial experience as a senior global marketer to help them create their own brand personality, decide how best to position themselves to attract new donors and stand out from their competition. Once they have a brand strategy on which to build, they will move on to their marketing and communications plans.

And this is where you come in, because this is a newly formed team facing a huge task, they are in need of the full range of marketing support, including help with the development of a new website, and effective campaign strategies to engage active participation in their work and to drive fundraising efforts.

The work of the St John International Development Office is already making a huge difference to people’s lives in a context where they are often the first people to provide healthcare to mothers and their children. One woman said: 'Our life is in the hands of God. If we live, fine; if we die, it is his will. It’s a matter of survival. Women here are forgotten. I can’t remember the last time I saw a doctor in this village.'

Each woman and child coming into contact with their programme receives personalised assistance to ensure that they are fully cared for through pregnancy, birth and in the crucial first 28 days of life. Volunteers visit homes and organise outreach events. Young people are reached in school where they receive education and support from peer educators in sexual and reproductive health.

Their vision is to create 'A world where communities take action to strengthen the health of mothers and children.'

If you would like to use your marketing skills to support St John International Development or any of the other charity or social enterprise members of Pimp My Cause, please get in touch with Anna Mullenneaux, chief match maker at Pimp My Cause.

Read more about The Marketing Society's Marketing for Good initiative.



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