The copywriting process

The copywriting process

Scenario 1 

Client briefs In-House Copywriter

  1.  Receives Brief
  2.  Reads Brief
  3. Questions the Tone of Voice bit because this does not align to the Brand Guidelines
  4. Questions why they have Brand Guidelines if they’re ignored with every Brief
  5. Writes Copy anyway
  6. The route changes
  7. Writes new Copy
  8. The route changes again
  9. Writes new Copy
  10. The route changes again
  11. Writes Copy to cover a variety of routes, just in case
  12. The route returns to meet the original Brief
  13. Submits original Copy
  14. Marketing Director writes Copy
  15. Marketing Team love Marketing Director’s Copy
  16. Advises that the Copy doesn't meet any basic Copywriting principles, and has an errant comma plus a typo
  17. Marketing Team won’t go against the Marketing Director to make amends
  18. The route changes
  19. Ad goes live
  20. Copywriter sees ad has no Copy

Scenario 2

Client briefs Agency

  1. Receives Brief
  2. Reads Brief
  3. Questions the deadline because it says “end of day”
  4. Politely advises that Copy can’t be delivered by the end of the day because it is 2pm
  5. Client writes Copy and sends to Agency for them to do the “creative bit”
  6. Agency feeds back that the Tone of Voice doesn't align to the Client’s Brand Guidelines
  7. Client ignores feedback
  8. Agency improves on Copy provided and sends to Client
  9. Client sends Copy the Managing Director wrote
  10. Agency feeds back that the Copy doesn't meet any basic Copywriting principles, and has an errant comma plus a typo
  11. Client advises that the Managing Director has an English degree and won’t change the Copy
  12. Agency mock up the Copy to show how it doesn’t work with the image the Client insists on using
  13. Client wants ad to run anyway
  14. Agency delivers artwork
  15. Ad goes live
  16. Agency cries every time they see the ad
  17. Agency requests a wash-up meeting to agree a better process for next time
  18. Client agrees
  19. Everyone in the meeting enthusiastically agrees to the process the Agency proposes
  20. Repeat Steps 1-19

Scenario 3

Client briefs Freelance Copywriter

  1. Receives Brief
  2. Reads Brief
  3. Interrogates the “What’s the one thing customers must take from this communication?” bit because there are six points listed
  4. Repeats Step 3
  5. Repeats Step 3
  6. Repeats Step 3
  7. Repeats Step 3
  8. Repeats Step 3
  9. Repeats Step 3
  10. Questions the Tone of Voice bit because this does not align to the Client’s Brand Guidelines
  11. Repeats Step 10
  12. Repeats Step 10
  13. Repeats Step 10
  14. Repeats Step 10
  15. Questions the deadline because it was two weeks ago
  16. Politely advises that Copy can’t be delivered by the end of the day because it is 2pm
  17. Agrees to deliver Copy by the end of the day
  18. Challenges the “there’s not much budget” bit
  19. Worries about time being wasted discussing budget when the deadline is at the end of the day and it is now 4pm
  20. Starts writing Copy anyway

By Vikki Ross
Vikki Ross is a Copywriter, Copywriting Tutor and Co-Founder of Copy Capital, the hottest event around for Creatives and Clients:


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